Some  Interesting facts of PECULAR BIRDS

1.Ravens are the great mimics


NAME                : Raven

APPEARANCE  : heavier beak

                             bushier plumage than the crow, particularly around the throat. 

                             glossy feathers are in blue or violet opalescence.

FACTS               : they become better mimic of human speech than parrots

                              Even they can copy the sounds from the human world like car engines to toilets flushing also. In the wild world, ravens also reproduce other animals sounds like wolves or foxes


2.Ostriches have large eyes than any other birds

NAME       :  Ostriche 
FACTS      : Ostriches are famous for eyes, they have big than any other creature. These are around the size of a billiard ball; their eyes are even bigger than their brains.

3. Hoatzin Chicks are born along with claws on their wings


NAME               : Hoatzin chicks

FACTS              : have two claws on the side of each wing. When they climb to their nest, they use                               claws to hold on to mangrove trees.

                            They also use them to pull themselves out of the water onto dry land

 they are unable to break open on their own.


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